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Camila Thalia Alvarado

Don’t underestimate the allure of darkness, even the purest hearts are drawn to it.
Credit : Rank gif: beautifulchaos♡♡; aes gif&code: desertrose♥
Don’t underestimate the allure of darkness, even the purest hearts are drawn to it.
Camila Thalia Alvarado

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Paryžius - niekada nemiegantis miestas, kuriame kiekvienas ras sau vietą. Šiame mieste susipina ir tautos, ir kultūros. Vieni dirba nuo ryto iki vakaro, o kiti klajoja įsivaizduodami, kad yra filmo "Midnight in Paris" herojai... Tiek skirtingų žmonių ir svajonių susiduria šiame mieste, kad neįmanoma jų visų sutalpinti tuose pačiuose rėmuose. Vieni trokšta meilės, kiti šlovės, o dar kažkas svajoja, jog daugiau niekada gyvenime nereikės sunkiai dirbti vien savo poreikių patenkinimui... Kiekvienas šiame mieste sukasi taip, kaip gali, ir kiekvienas ras sau bendraminčių. Galbūt pasieksite tokį lygį, kad parduosite velniui sielą, o kolkas... we live like savages... beautiful, but savages.

Adriana: I can never decide whether Paris is more beautiful by day or by night.
Gil: No, you can't, you couldn't pick one. I mean I can give you a checkmate argument for each side. You know, I sometimes think, how is anyone ever gonna come up with a book, or a painting, or a symphony, or a sculpture that can compete with a great city. You can't. Because you look around and every street, every boulevard, is its own special art form and when you think that in the cold, violent, meaningless universe that Paris exists, these lights, I mean come on, there's nothing happening on Jupiter or Neptune, but from way out in space you can see these lights, the cafés, people drinking and singing. For all we know, Paris is the hottest spot in the universe.

PostSituacija Empty2018-02-23, 9:15 pm
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