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Veikėjų veidai

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Venetia Desideria Altieri
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
Venetia Desideria Altieri
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-02, 14:01

Julian York Haddox
Julian York Haddox
Credit : desertrose ♥, beautifulchaos ♥
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-03, 14:30

<female>Serenay Sarıkaya</female> - Leyla Serenay Beylice
Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?
Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-03, 14:42

Edward Hugh Humphrey
Everyone who falls in love has someone else they're thinking of
Everyone who falls in love has someone else they're thinking of
Edward Hugh Humphrey
Credit : icon: beutifulchaos, code, gifs: desertrose
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-06, 17:35

<male>Şükrü Özyıldız</male> - Edward Hugh Humphrey

keviną atlaisvinkime, ačiū heart-suit
Diona Élise Westwood
Some women were made. But me, myself? I like to think that I was created for a special purpose.
Some women were made. But me, myself? I like to think that I was created for a special purpose.
Diona Élise Westwood
Credit : desertrose
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-06, 17:45

Veikėjų veidai - Page 2 1065882104
Julian York Haddox
Julian York Haddox
Credit : desertrose ♥, beautifulchaos ♥
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-21, 13:11

Venetia Desideria Altieri liked your post.

<male>Robert Pattinson</male> - Julian York Haddox
dekoju Veikėjų veidai - Page 2 1675779748
Venetia Desideria Altieri
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
Venetia Desideria Altieri
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-21, 13:17

Veikėjų veidai - Page 2 1856926808
Jocelyne Gaëlle Cassel
I make myself laugh entirely too much for a sane person
I make myself laugh entirely too much for a sane person
Jocelyne Gaëlle Cassel
Credit : kodas, aes gifas: desertrose; icona, gifas: beutifulchaos
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-29, 22:02

Venetia Desideria Altieri and Ophelia Astrid Sinclair liked your post.

<female>Ana de Armas</female> - Jocelyne Gaëlle Cassel

vietoje kendal, ačiū heart-suit
Venetia Desideria Altieri
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
Venetia Desideria Altieri
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-09-29, 22:14

Veikėjų veidai - Page 2 1856926808
Carlos Norris
Carlos Norris
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-11-28, 00:30

<male>Carlos Sainz</male> - Carlos Norris
Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?
Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
Re: Veikėjų veidai 2024-11-28, 14:58

sirdute pirstuku
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Re: Veikėjų veidai

Veikėjų veidai
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