Pageidauju / Ieškau

Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?

Mylène Adrasteia Teivel

Pageidauju / Ieškau

Esami forumo nariai čia gali išreikšti visus savo norus ieškant antrosios pusės, brolio, mamos ar tiesiog gero draugo. Galbūt tai svečiams palengvins apsisprendimo dalią ir padės pasirinkti norimą veikėją.

P.S. vyresni veikėjai čia yra ypač laukiami.
P.P.S. NEcituojame tos pačios paieškos anksčiau negu kitame puslapyje nuo to, kuriame paieška buvo įkelta pirmą kartą, nes pranešimai bus ištrinami. 

Mylène Adrasteia Teivel
What traumas do we carry that we picked up along the way, that were never ours to begin with?

Mylène Adrasteia Teivel


Benoît-Antoine Devereux - Ex

There are times when life calls out for a change. A transition. Like the seasons. Our spring was wonderful, but summer is over now and we missed out on autumn. And now all of a sudden, it's cold, so cold that everything is freezing over. Our love fell asleep, and the snow took it by surprise. But if you fall asleep in the snow, you don't feel death coming. Take care.

<center><div class="katite2"><div class="dgrd">Benoît-Antoine Devereux - Ex</div><br><center><img src="" class="ieskau"> <img src="" class="ieskau"> </center>
There are times when life calls out for a change. A transition. Like the seasons. Our spring was wonderful, but summer is over now and we missed out on autumn. And now all of a sudden, it's cold, so cold that everything is freezing over. Our love fell asleep, and the snow took it by surprise. But if you fall asleep in the snow, you don't feel death coming. Take care.</div>